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United Arab Emirates
I’m the father of Tahseen Gohar, managing this profile and in search of a lifelong companion. He’s a 25-year-old law professional based in Dubai, having been raised and educated in the UAE and the UK. His upbringing and education in the UAE and UK have shaped his global perspective.
Our family hails from a well-educated middle-class background in KPK, Northern Pakistan.
Tahseen values a balance between life’s spiritual and worldly aspects, rooted in our shared values and faith. He cherishes family, understands the essence of standing together through life’s challenges, and believes in nurturing a family based on these principles.
He’s part of a closely-knit family: an elder brother excelling in hospitality in Dubai with a renowned brand after graduating from Switzerland, another brother practicing medicine in Ireland post his UK and European education, and a younger sister currently pursuing high school in the UAE.
We seek a likeminded partner who shares these values, respects the culture, understands the teachings of our religion, blending faith and worldly pursuits, navigating life’s journey together through its highs and lows while upholding the core values of family and beliefs.
We look forward to connecting with the parents of a potential bride to explore compatibility and mutual understanding further.
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